多边开发融资合作中心(Multilateral Cooperation Center for Development Finance,以下简称MCDF)是首届和第二届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛的重要成果。MCDF作为多边合作协调平台,通过促进信息分享,支持项目前期准备和能力建设,协调国际金融机构及符合条件的金融机构开展多边合作,支持高质量基础设施互联互通。
JIGSAW:MCDF 面向可持续高质量基础
JIGSAW 是多边开发融资合作中心(MCDF)面向可持续、高质量基础设施互联互通投资的数字解决方案,于 2021 年 12 月上线。目的是分享尚未获得融资的互联互通项目信息,并推广国际金融机构(IFI)标准相关知识,从而促进发展中国家的高质量基础设施互联互通投资。
JIGSAW 包括哪些内容?
知识数据库:提供关于IFI标准、最佳实践和历史项目的最新信息;与可持续、高质量基础设施互联互通投资相关的新闻和分析;MCDF的知识产品以及MCDF知识分享活动的相关材料。这些信息均可在 “知识”选项卡下访问,包括:
机构用户:机构(包括企业)需在 “合作伙伴”项下注册成为 “机构用户”。完成注册之后,该机构可指定数名相关工作人员和机构联络人使用 JIGSAW。相关工作人员和机构联络人均可访问项目数据库和知识数据库。如果您是已注册机构所指定的工作人员,我们鼓励您通过 JIGSAW 分享向IFI和/或新合作伙伴(包括新兴市场投资方)寻求融资的项目信息,以及寻求MCDF基金赠款支持的技术援助项目信息。我们还鼓励您就其他机构在JIGSAW上提交的项目信息提出评论和宝贵建议。
内容用户: 在 JIGSAW 注册的个人用户可作为 “内容用户” 访问知识数据库。我们鼓励您就已发布的知识材料发表评论和建议,并上传您认为对其他 JIGSAW 用户有帮助的、与高质量基础设施互联互通相关的知识产品和文件。文件内容可包含投资政策、标准、投资环境信息、案例研究、经验、最佳实践和能力建设等。
请发送电子邮件至 jigsaw@themcdf.org,我们将尽快给您回复。
JIGSAW:MCDF’s Digital Solution for Fostering High-Quality Infrastructure and Connectivity Investments
What is JIGSAW?
JIGSAW, MCDF’s digital solution for fostering high-quality infrastructure and connectivity investment, was launched in December 2021. It facilitates the flow of information on unfunded connectivity projects, and relevant knowledge to promote International Financial Institution(IFI) standards and best practices, to foster high-quality infrastructure and connectivity investments in developing countries.
What does JIGSAW consist of?
A Project Database (accessible for designated staff of organizations registered with JIGSAW as Organization Users): contains information about investment proposals seeking financing from IFIs and/or New Partners (including emerging market financiers) to facilitate communication between project owners and potential financiers. It also includes technical assistance (TA) proposals seeking grant support for project preparation and capacity development. The technical assistance project proposals will allow the MCDF Secretariat and MCDF Implementing Partners to see if MCDF’s Finance Facility can support the requested technical assistance projects. The Project Database also allows organizations registered with JIGSAW including New Partners an opportunity to present themselves to other users of JIGSAW. Investment proposals and technical assistance proposals are accessed under the ‘Projects’ tab. Information on registered organizations is presented under the ‘Partners’ tab.
A Knowledge Database: hosts up-to-date information on: IFI standards, best practices, and projects; news and analysis related to high-quality and sustainable connectivity infrastructure and Investments; and all the material from MCDF events. These are all accessed under the ‘Knowledge’ tab that contains links to the following sections:
1.Knowledge Materials: go here for access to the main knowledge database, which contains three types of materials: MCDF Event Materials that comprise materials related to MCDF knowledge events including presentations, links to video clips, and background reports; MCDF Knowledge Products that MCDF has produced itself on particular topics; and IFI Standards and Good Practices that have been produced by MCDF’s IFI partners.
2.MCDF Briefs: all back copies of MCDF’s bi-weekly digest of news and analysis related to MCDF’s themes of infrastructure Connectivity, Quality and Partnership.
3.IFI Historical Projects: a searchable database of financed projects from IFIs.
How to participate?
Organization Users: Organizations (including companies) are required to register with JIGSAW under the Partners section of JIGSAW. Such Organizations registering with JIGSAW as Organization Users can designate Staff Users and Organization Focal for the use of JIGSAW. Individual Staff Users and Organization Focal have access to both the Project and Knowledge Databases. If you are a staff of a registered organization, we encourage you to share through JIGSAW investment proposals seeking financing from IFIs and/or New Partners (including emerging market financiers) and technical assistance proposals seeking grant support for project preparation and capacity development. We also encourage you to make comments and contribute your ideas on the project proposals from Staff Users of other organizations.
Content Users: those who have registered with JIGSAW as an individual have access to the Knowledge Database as a Content User. As a Content User, we encourage you to post comments and contribute your ideas on the posted knowledge materials, and upload additional documents that you think would be useful for other JIGSAW members related to high-quality connectivity infrastructure. These can include investment policies, standards, investment environment information, case studies, lessons learned, best practices and capacity-building activities.
Where to go for help or to give us feedback and suggestions?
Please email jigsaw@themcdf.org and we will get back to you as soon as we can.